Alps under construction
- Summer 2022

The majority of Swiss citizens agree with the goal of carbon free energy production by year 2050. How this goal can be achieved is not yet clear. Several studies about solutions often face large amounts of  critique in Swiss society due to the change of the natural scenery. But producing electricity with wind, solar or hydroelectric power always comes with a change in landscape.

The alpine region with its high altitude forms ideal conditions to produce green electricity but the protection of the landscape is deeply rooted in the identity of the country which makes the realization of new infrastructure difficult. In this research project I looked into the history of the alpine domestication, hydroelectric power production, construction of dams and the image of the alpine landscape in Swiss society. I worked on an image based research which was published in „The Energy Atlas“ (publication made collectively by the students in Studio Technogeographies led by Martina Muzi at the Design Academy Eindhoven), an installation that communicates a more accurate image of the alpine landscape of today and an image series taken during a field trip in the Swiss alps.

In Studio Technogeographies I learned how to use various tools to research, visualize data and  position my design in such complex sociopolitical topics.