- Winter 2022

The tapestry is an homage to the river I grew up next to. It’s the river which connects me to my home and family. Earlier this year I started building up an interest not only in what’s going on above but beneath the water surface as well. I discovered a whole new world which was always there but I never noticed. The world under water is home to many various different animals and plants. But as many other parts of nature, rivers are also in danger. Many of our actions directly influences life in and around these eco systems.

The first layer of the tapestry is an essay of my personal connection and viewpoint of the river that connects me with various memories and feelings. It’s the bright side of the river. Behind the first layer is a beautiful representation of nature and its variety. If you dig deeper you see that its ecosystem is disrupted. When we swipe through the tiles we discover a system that is polluted by humans. The message is that as long as we don’t interfere with it, it remains beautiful and works by itself like a sustainable cycle. If we humans do interfere the whole cycle breaks and one damage leads to another. So let us write poems and draw water lilies like Monet did, but do not let these things become artifacts of something we once admired and enjoyed but then damaged beyond repair.

The tapestry is only made from recycled textile that I died in different colors.