- Autumn 2021

To maintain focus at the Design Academy can be difficult, since no one has a secluded workspace. People tend to work from home or rent an external studio. In this project I decided to create my own tool which I can alter depending on the different tasks I have. In order to save space for other students the workbench only takes up 1 square meter when stored. In the stored position all the stored contents are hidden and locked away. The workbench is easily movable if it is in the way. When I am preparing to start work I turn the lower module 180 degrees, there one finds a chair and many storage opportunities for tools and materials. The lower module is designed to work at sitting down and the higher module to stand up. One can change and extend the working surface to fit the individual need. The workbench is mainly made from plywood that is screwed together so when I do not need it anymore I can disassemble it easily and the almost unprocessed plywood can be used in new projects.