- Summer 2022

The project started with research into semi fixed material connections. When I create a physical object I find it important to think of the material lifespan of it. With semi fixed material connections one has the opportunity to disassemble products in order to recycle them properly.

Over a period of time I worked with different connection techniques, mainly with wood and metal.

Finally I decided to use the connections to make a shelving system in order to test the connection in a specific scenario. The project turned out to be one that includes many principles that I stand for as an aspiring designer. All the materials are connected with semi fixed connections so it can be easily assembled and disassembled in order to recycle the materials individually. The shelf is based on a grid so the user can themselves decide on its composition. One can use it as a bookshelf to display ones favorite reads, a wardrobe or a tool to hang posters. Two side panels are the minimum for it to stand but it can be extended endlessly. The visual impact of the shelf  is reduced so the displayed objects becomes the center of attention.